If R.D.A was a story, the ponies and horses would be the heroes that save the day.

“Hello, my name is Robbie. I came to live with the RDA in June 2015. I am only 7 years old so I am still a young horse, learning lots of new things. I am doing really well and have become a very good RDA horse. I have even been to the National Championships with my riders and we have won rosettes!
Even though I am quite a big horse to ride, I am patient and gentle with the riders, who are sometimes a little scared when they first come to the centre. I love working here and seeing the riders enjoy their lessons.”

“Hi there, I’m Joey and I joined the RDA the same time as Robbie and I am also 7 years old. I love the RDA but I am not always as well behaved as Robbie. Sometimes I can be a bit lazy, not wanting to do much work, but with a bit of gentle persuasion from the volunteers, I get going eventually.
At the same time, I have become a very good RDA horse and am gentle & patient with the riders. I love working with the RDA riders and seeing them improve as the weeks pass by and having lots of fun too.”

In loving memory of:
9/5/2017 – Sadly due to age & arthritis, which was causing a lot of pain, Granville (or Granny as he was affectionately known by so many) gained his rainbow wings. Granville had been part of the RDA since they arrived at Pencoed College. He saw many students come and go at the college as well as seeing the disabled riders progress in their lessons. Everyone said he was a superstar in every way and it’s true – He never put a foot wrong & was gentle & patient Granville has left hoof prints in all our hearts & will be missed. We thank Pencoed College for allowing us to use Granville in our lessons

In loving memory of:
11/06/2013. Sadly, due to ill-health, Bluebell has gained her horse wings and retired to be the big field. She was a fantastic, kind natured, and enthusiastic horse who loved working with the children and was a big hit with students at the college, Savannah Roach described Bluebell as “One massive character on one small (beast of a) horse!”
Bluebell will be missed very much by all of us at RDA

In loving memory of:
29/11/2013 – Gentle giant John-Jo gained his wings and went to the big field in the sky. He was a fantastic horse who loved to see the kids and likewise the children would love seeing John-Jo when he popped in to spend the morning with us. He was a big hit with our volunteers, Ann Harrison-Power said “I only worked with him once but instantly fell in love with this beautiful gentle boy. The children adored him and he was amazing with them.”
He may have been big with hoofs the size of dinner plates, but he was gentle in every way and will be missed by everyone in RDA.
We’d like to thank Pencoed college for allowing us to use him in our lessons.